What is Gas Safe Register?

Gas Safe Register is the only official gas registration body of gas businesses and engineers in the United Kingdom, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey. By law all gas businesses must be on the Gas Safe Register.

A gas engineer can only be aligned to a registered business and be issued with a license to undertake gas work on behalf of a registered business if they hold a valid and current qualification. This evidence of competence relates only to matters of gas safety and is obtained by every engineer through a recognised route of training and assessment (much as the DVLA issues driving licences to those who have demonstrated their competence by passing a driving test).

Registration is only given on the basis of the business having at least one gas safety qualified engineer.

The Register is not a membership body or trade association.

The Register (and all services associated with it) is operated on behalf of the relevant Health and Safety Authority for each region in which it operates– i.e. Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Isle of Man, Jersey and Guernsey.

Gas Safe Register replaced CORGI as the only gas registration body in Great Britain and Isle of Man on 1 April 2009 and in Northern Ireland and Guernsey on 1 April 2010.

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What we do

  • Operate the official UK list of gas businesses and qualified gas engineers that work for those businesses, as required by law, to ensure only those qualified engineers are licensed to legally work on gas.
  • Undertake monitoring inspections of all businesses on the Gas Safe Register to ensure they are applying gas competence.
  • Investigate gas safety complaints against registered businesses/engineers for compliance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and, where applicable, the technical specifications required to meet the Building Regulations in England and in Wales
  • Apply a sanctions policy where instances of unsafe work or breaches of rules of registration are identified.
  • Investigate reports of illegal gas work carried out by un-registered businesses or gas fitters and report our findings to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). To view these prosecutions please visit the HSE website.
  • Undertake consumer campaigns to raise the awareness of gas safety issues such as carbon monoxide (CO) and the dangers of using illegal engineers not on the Gas Safe Register. We also co-ordinate the annual industry wide Gas Safety Week.
  • Provide a facility for registered businesses to self-certify (notify) that the installations of heat producing gas appliances and the hot water and heating systems they serve are compliant with the Building Regulations in England and in Wales.


What we don't do

  • Do not have the authority or ability to recommend one registered engineer over another one.
  • Do not employ the Gas Safe registered businesses or engineers on the Gas Safe Register.
  • Do not investigate, inspect or deal with matters which fall outside our remit, such as: financial, contractual or commercial disputes.
  • Do not enforce the completion of gas defects by a business or engineer on the Gas Safe Register where a consumer will not allow the registered business/engineer back into the property to undertake the remedial work(s).
  • Do not apply sanctions or defects against registered businesses or engineers disproportionately or without sufficient validated evidence.
  • Do not undertake checks on registered engineers outside of the normal work monitoring inspections other than those relating directly to prosecutions or convictions (pending or suspended) related to gas safety matters.
  • Do not check public liability and indemnity insurances for registered businesses/engineers.
  • Do not undertake criminal record checks on registered engineers as this is not a requirement under the Gas Safety (installation and use) Regulations 1998.
  • Cannot arbitrate on disputes between registered businesses and their customers.
  • Do not determine or establish that a Statutory Nuisance exists in relation to the discharge of products of combustion from gas appliance flue outlets.

FAQs regarding Gas Safe Register's remit

Gas Safe Register’s remit is limited to gas safety, and we are unable to investigate any contractual, financial or conduct issues that you may have. However, your local Trading Standards office, Citizens Advice Bureau, or the Environmental Health department at your local council may be able to provide you with some guidance.

If you have concerns about gas work undertaken in your property, we can record your concerns and arrange for an inspector to investigate. This will involve an inspection taking place and the findings will be documented in a report to you and your engineer. If we find there are issues with the gas work that has been carried out our inspector will advise you what we can instruct the engineer to correct.

If you need your appliance serviced, an annual gas safety check or there is a fault with the appliance, we can provide you with names and numbers of local registered businesses who may be able to carry out the service or correct the fault.

Unfortunately, we do not hold copies of these certificates and there is no central database where they are stored. To obtain a copy you will need to contact the business that completed the check, or where applicable ask your landlord. The certificates that we hold are Building Regulations Compliance Certificates for new installations (for example boilers) that were installed after 1st April 2009. These are the certificates that are required when you sell your property.

We are unable to inspect your appliance if the faults have been corrected by another business because the evidence of the fault is no longer present, and we would only see the corrected work. However, we will still carry out an internal investigation which involves looking at other examples of gas work carried out by the original engineer, with the aim of gathering evidence of their work on other appliances.

This process consists of visiting other properties where the engineer has completed work. The inspector will also discuss the concerns raised by yourself with the engineer and any reports or pictures that you are able to provide us with. Unfortunately, we are unable to disclose the outcome of this investigation because the information we will have gathered will relate to other customers and their properties/appliances, in the same way that we would not disclose any information about your property to anyone else.

Gas Safe Register is operated by Capita Business Services Ltd, a division of Capita Plc.



You can find a short list of relevant downloads on the right hand side. 

Useful Downloads

  • 2023-24 Gas Safe Register At A Glance Report

  • 2022-23 Gas Safe Register At A Glance Report

  • 2021-22 Gas Safe Register At A Glance Report

  • 2020-21 Gas Safe Register At A Glance Report